IMPORTANT: Changes to Settlement Services for CUAET Holders and Ukrainian Temporary Residents

ISANS will continue to provide comprehensive support to CUAET holders, Ukrainian temporary residents, and their dependents until March 31, 2025. After this date, these clients will no longer be eligible for IRCC-funded settlement services through ISANS.

ISANS is committed to ensuring a smooth transition for all clients affected by the changes taken by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to access other eligible programs and services within ISANS.

We encourage clients to take full advantage of our programs while they remain eligible, as they provide valuable support for successful settlement and integration.

It’s important to keep your ISANS program support informed about any changes to your immigration status or if you have received notice of permanent residency (PR). If you can’t recall your caseworker’s name, you can still send your status update directly to ISANS for assistance at

Information and Orientation, Employment-related Services, Community Connections and Support Services

ISANS will continue offering services to eligible clients until March 31, 2025, including:

  • Information sessions on topics like housing, healthcare, finances, and employment
  • Orientation to Canadian culture, laws, and local communities
  • Employment-related services to help with job searches and career development
  • Community connection activities to build social networks
  • Support services to address specific settlement challenges

Needs and Assets Assessment and Referrals Services (NAARS)

NAARS will be available to eligible clients until March 31, 2025, regardless of their arrival date in Canada. From January 1, 2025, to March 31, 2025, ISANS will prioritize referrals that address the most urgent client needs.

By January 31, 2025, ISANS commits to updating settlement plans for all existing clients and providing comprehensive information about alternative service options that are not IRCC-funded.

Language training

ISANS will provide language training services until March 31, 2025, for all clients, regardless of their arrival date. Those who were enrolled and attended classes before this date may continue until June 30, 2025. However, wait-list clients would not have access to these services after March 31, 2025.

ISANS staff will continue to provide clients with information about various self-directed online resources and non-IRCC-funded language learning options. We will also suggest alternative programs that may be available, including online resources. Additionally, we strongly encourage clients to take full advantage of our language training services while they remain eligible.

Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY)

After March 31, 2025, CUAET holders, Ukrainian nationals with temporary resident status in Canada, and their dependents will no longer be eligible for IRCC-funded settlement services, which includes HIPPY programming. This means these clients will lose access to the comprehensive support currently provided through these federally funded programs after the specified date.

Beyond March 31, 2025

ISANS remains committed to supporting CUAET holders and Ukrainian temporary residents through strategic partnerships and non-IRCC-funded programs.

Our partnerships with the Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration of Nova Scotia, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, and diverse community partners will allow us to support these clients with comprehensive, accessible settlement services to empower newcomers to thrive in the province. CUAET holders can still access some services, including:

  • Needs assessment and referral
  • Language assessment and training: CLB 5-8 classes, Skill and Sector Specific classes, English at Workplace and Language Learning Centre.
  • Orientation programs: settlement information sessions, Canadian culture and legal orientation, English as a first language tutoring program, Aging well in Canada.
  • Family, Children and Specialized services: Wellness Support, Group Support for mental wellness, Settlement Support, Individual Orientation.
  • Professional and business services: Professional Mentorship, Professional Practice, Business Mentorship, Business Support Services
  • Employment programs: bridging programs- trades, Healthcare and finance, job development, employment support and counselling.
  • Settlement Support individual appointments and group topic specific sessions for settlement such as housing, the schools system, taxes in Canada and assistance with navigating community and government resources.

Additionally, ISANS will continue to connect clients with valuable external resources to provide comprehensive support for successful integration.

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