Frequently Asked Questions

Last year, ISANS worked with over 15,000 clients to build a future in Nova Scotia. At ISANS, we help you find your pathway to possibility.

I want to immigrate to Canada

How can I immigrate?

If you have been accepted or arrived in Nova Scotia, please register with us at You can also start these programs before you arrive:

If you have not been accepted to come to Nova Scotia, we are unable to help you at this time. To learn about what programs you may be eligible to apply for, please visit here. 

To learn about federal and Nova Scotia immigration programs, please visit the following websites:

How can I come as a refugee?

ISANS does not directly sponsor refugees. If you have friends or relatives in Nova Scotia able to financially support and settle you in Canada, please have them contact ISANS directly. Otherwise, we are sorry but our organization is unable to help you.

You may like to review the UNHCR, The United Nations Refugee Agency, website at for general information.

How can I come using the Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP)

You can learn more about the AIPP through this link

You can learn more about employers with open positions in Nova Scotia through this link.  

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP) immigration program is employer-driven, so you will need to find a designated employer in Atlantic Canada that is interested in hiring you. The jobs you apply for must be the same as or similar to your current employment experience. Please note, we are unable to provide assistance with your job search if you are not an ISANS client.

You can find the list of designated employers in Nova Scotia now posted on the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration website .

If you have questions about the Provincial Nominee Program, or if you are successful in securing a job offer from a Nova Scotian employer and your employer has questions, please contact the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration by phone at 1 (902) 424 5230 or 1 (877) 292-9597 (toll free in Nova Scotia), or via email at

How can I become a Canadian citizen?

ISANS offers courses on preparing for your Canadian citizenship tests

For more information, please email

To learn more about how to qualify to become a Canadian citizen, please visit here

I want to use ISANS services

How can I use ISANS' services?

To access any of our programs or services you must first register with us.

If you live outside of Canada, you can visit us online at:

If you live in Nova Scotia please call us to make an appointment. In the Halifax area, you can call (902) 423-3607. If you live elsewhere in Nova Scotia call 1-866-431-6472. For more information on what happens after you register, visit

How can I get a document translated?

We can translate short, personal written information and documents. Your documents must be for settlement, employment, education, transportation or obtaining documentation in the province of Nova Scotia only.

We translate written information and documents for commonly spoken newcomer languages in Nova Scotia. There may be a fee applicable.

To learn more and if your documents qualify for translation and translation process, visit or email

I my application to immigrate has been accepted. What can I do to prepare for my entry to Canada?

Congratulations on your upcoming move! It's a good idea to prepare as much as possible for your new life in Canada. The best resource is Settlement Online Pre-Arrival (SOPA) program. Please visit SOPA at

SOPA provides free resources and courses including one-on-one orientation, job search support and workplace culture training, as well as referral to a wide range of post-arrival services upon entry to Canada.

To access SOPA, you must live outside Canada and have:

  • Received approval from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to immigrate to Canada
  •  An English level (IELTS) 5.5 or higher
  • Access to a computer and high speed Internet

For more information, please visit Please visit SOPA at

How can my organization register as an employer for the Atlantic Immigration Program?

ISANS offers monthly webinars for employers on AIPP.
To learn more, go to or email

Can I use an interpreter to access ISANS services?

ISANS provides interpretation support for our settlement, employment, community, intake and orientation programs and refugee health support. If you require an interpreter for non-ISANS related support, you need to access an interpreter at an interpretation agency or organization. 

I want to join one of ISANS programs

How can I take language classes?

We offer language skills classes for everyday living in the community and for immigrants who are looking for work, currently working, planning to start a business or currently running their own business. ISANS classes are in-person, online or in the workplace. To learn more about our classes visit: To take classes, you must first register with ISANS. To register, email us at Alternatively, call us at 1-866-431-6472.

I heard ISANS can help me start working in Nova Scotia. How does that work?

We offer a range of services to help you become independent and effective in your job search. You begin by meeting with an employment counsellor. Counsellors will help you create a plan to learn and gain skills about employment in Canada. For professionals, we have opportunities to meet mentors and get work placements. For regulated professionals we can help you begin the pathway to become a licensed professional in Canada. For more information, please visit:

I am a professional - can you help me with international qualifications recognition?

If you work in a regulated profession, you will need a license, certificate or registration to practice in your field. The Pathway to Licensure for your profession will show you how to get your qualifications assessed and recognized. To learn more, please visit:

I am an immigrant new to Nova Scotia, are there programs in my new community I can join?

ISANS has a range of programs for immigrants.

We can:

  • connect you with a volunteer from the community who will offer social support and introduce you to your new community, help you practice skills for daily family activities, and help you practice English conversation
  • support you as a parent of children aged 3-5, with structured lessons and practical information on parenting
  • support you during your settlement through a series of orientations to life in Canada
  • help you manage the stress that comes from moving to a new country
I want to run a business but need some help getting started in Nova Scotia.

We have dedicated team of business professionals to help you understand what you need to know to start or grow your business in Nova Scotia. We connect you to the community and provide resources and tools to help you build a successful business. Get one-on-one business counselling, attend workshops and networking events, and connect with other ISANS services like language training. For more information, please visit:

I want ISANS help with a community event or research project

Can ISANS support my research project?

Please send all research inquiries to with the word "research" in the subject line. Please note we are unable to respond to all requests.

Can I post my event, product or service on your site?

ISANS is unable to post events, products or services on our website. If you are an immigrant entrepreneur or business owner, you may be eligible to have your business listed on our Marketplace app. For more information, please visit

Can you share my event?

We share community and immigration-related events through social media. To have your event forwarded to our Public Relations coordinator, please email with the words "community event" in the subject line.

How can I find good EAL materials

If you are interested in English as an Additional Language (EAL) resources please visit our Teaching & Learning Resources page at

How can I sponsor a refugee?

The Refugee Sponsorship Program at ISANS provides information and resources to sponsorship groups across Nova Scotia. We support Sponsorship Agreement Holders in Nova Scotia in the application process and settlement of refugees. We also works with relatives and groups living in Nova Scotia in the sponsorship and settlement of refugees.

For general information on sponsoring a refugee from overseas, please visit the Refugee Sponsorship Training Program website and look at ISANS list of FAQs on refugee sponsorship For more details and resources, visit

I am an employer; can you refer anyone to me for employment?

We have clients actively looking for work. Please send an email to with the word "employment" in the subject line. If possible, please give details on timelines, job descriptions, and contact details for follow-up.

I know an immigrant who needs support, how can you help them?

To access ISANS services, immigrants must register with ISANS. Please encourage them to contact us through or call us at 1-866-431-6472.

Once registered, they will speak to an intake counsellor who will advise them of the programs for which they qualify. For resources on where they can receive additional support outside of ISANS, visit

I want to support immigrants

Can I make a monetary donation to ISANS?

Thank you for your generous support for recent immigrants and refugees to Nova Scotia!

You can make a one-time donation or a recurring donation. For more information and payment options, please visit

Can I donate an item to help newcomers?

Thank you for your interest in donating to ISANS. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept donations of clothing, furniture, computers and other physical goods.

How can I support immigration and immigrants?

Thank you for your interest in supporting immigrants and immigration. Learn more about refugees and how to welcome them to Nova Scotia at Please read through our FAQs for opportunities to learn more about cultural sensitivity and diversity. To learn how to volunteer or work at ISANS, please see FAQs on working at ISANS.

How can I (or my organization) become more culturally sensitive and learn about diversity?

Thank you for your interest becoming more culturally sensitive and learning about diversity. We offer several programs on cultural sensitivity and diversity. Our Workplace Culture Program helps Nova Scotian employers understand the benefits of hiring international talent and the importance of immigrant experience in the workplace. Our Building Intercultural Competence workshops focus on how to welcome and work with immigrants and build a better community together. Our Welcome Ambassador program trains individuals a on a range of topics including build cultural awareness skills, awareness about refugee newcomers, and how to participate actively in making Nova Scotia a more welcoming and inclusive province. You can also attend SupperNova, a multicultural potluck where you can meet and welcome newcomer families and celebrate diversity.

Join ISANS for our annual Walk with Refugees

Every year in mid-June, ISANS participates in an annual Walk wtih Refugees. Hundreds of Nova Scotians of all backgrounds take part in the Walk to mark World Refugee Day, help raise awareness, and put refugee voices up front. Please visit in early June to find out details on this years' walk.