Ayomide Charles: A Journey of Empowerment and Integration

An ISANS Impact Story

Chisa Ogbuefi:

Ayomide Charles, a passionate, hardworking Nigerian woman with a strong engineering background, embarked on a transformative journey when she gained invaluable insights into the Canadian job market and culture through the Settlement Online Pre-Arrival (SOPA) program.

“Through ISANS SOPA course, I learned how to restructure resumes and cover letters to meet Canadian workforce expectations,” she says. “ISANS made me realize my skills are transferable, relevant and valuable in the Canadian workforce, and this knowledge has empowered me to navigate the Canadian system and thrive in my new environment.”

Upon her arrival in Nova Scotia, one of the significant challenges Ayomide faced as a newcomer was the overwhelming lack of information and uncertainty about where to seek support.

“Often, you don’t know who to ask or what questions to ask, making it difficult to access relevant resources or benefits available,” she says.

Ayomide’s research led her to the Employment and Bridging Program, which allowed her to align her skills with the demands of the Canadian job market.

“My journey took a positive turn when I discovered ISANS’ employment programs,” says Ayomide. “I must say the training resources were beneficial, including the Communication Skills for Engineers course, which enhanced my workplace communication and cultural awareness.”

Ayomide’s connection with ISANS was instrumental in securing her first job as an Estimator in the construction industry.

“ISANS landed me my first job, facilitating my integration into the community and allowing me to build meaningful relationships,” she says. “ISANS provided me with crucial information, clearing my doubts and misconceptions.” 

Her growth and resilience in adapting to a new country have been inspiring. Ayomide embodies the profound impact that education truly empowers, which makes her transition journey a testimony of perseverance and determination.

“To me, empowerment is the act of equipping people with the necessary tools and information not just to survive but to grow in their new environments,” says Ayomide.

While acknowledging that settling into Canada was not an easy journey, Ayomide expresses her gratitude and commitment to giving back to others who may need help navigating their new lives.

“Settling into Canada was not an easy journey, but it was worthwhile,” she says. “Thanks to all the help I received from ISANS, I decided to volunteer as a Foreign Credential Recognition Mentor to assist newcomer engineers.”

“ISANS landed me my first job, facilitating my integration into the community and allowing me to build meaningful relationships,”

Ayomide Charles: A Journey of Empowerment and Integration