Employer Forum 2024: ISANS Employer Supports Presentation

This presentation was given during our 2024 Employer Forum. It includes overviews for the following ISANS programs and services:

– Professional Practice program
– Professional Mentorship program
– English in the Workplace (EWP)
– Employment and Bridging
– Pre-employment Workshops
– Safety in the Workplace
– Digital Upskilling
– Employer Support Programs
– Skilled Newcomer Training Incentive Bond (STIB) 
– Wage Subsidy and Training Programs
– Immigrant Youth Employability Program (IYEP)
– Immigrant Youth Career Exploration Program  (IYCEP)
– Work-based Trades Practical Assessment Program (Rural NS and HRM)

Page Number

29 Slides

Publication Date

May 2024


ISANS' Business and Workforce Integration Team