Top Three Reasons to Use ISANS Employer Supports
ISANS works with employers to help them build strong and diverse workplaces. Our programs and services will provide you the supports you need to recruit and retain immigrant talent.
Find Job Ready Candidates
Meet with potential employees through unique programs only accessible to ISANS clients. We will help match your business with job-ready candidates to fast-track your next hire.
Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) Support
We offer support for specialized immigration streams such as the Atlantic Immigration Program. Find out more about how ISANS can help you support your candidate’s settlement in Nova Scotia.
Building an Inclusive Workplace
ISANS’ Workplace Culture Program helps Nova Scotian employers identify and resolve recruitment and retention barriers involving the employment of immigrants. We provide informational webinars, HR support, and organizational assessment, as well as training in leadership, conflict resolution, and advanced communication skills. All services work from an equity, diversity, inclusion (EDI), and wellness framework.
Check out all the programs and services our employer support team offers to help you recruit and retain immigrant talent.
Impact Stories
ISANS provides settlement and integration programs and services to immigrants who are in or destined for communities across Nova Scotia. Through our programs and services, we help immigrants build a future in Nova Scotia.
As the front door to many of Nova Scotia’s immigrants, we seek to create a community where all can belong and grow, building a stronger Nova Scotia and Canada for all.