Pathways to Purpose – ISANS Annual Report 2020/2021
If there’s one thing we have learned this past year – a year of overwhelming challenge, social upheaval, and collective uncertainty – it’s that living our values of diversity, inclusion, respect, collaboration, innovation, and accountability will guide us through.
Craig Bannon named the recipient of 2021 ISANS Award
Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) is pleased to announce Craig Bannon as the recipient of this year’s ISANS Award. The ISANS Award recognizes an individual, community group, business,…
National Indigenous Peoples Day
Today is National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day to celebrate and learn more about the cultural diversity of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples in Canada. It is…
ISANS Resuming In-Person Services June 21st
As a community, we have done great work at keeping the COVID numbers down and all of us need to continue to follow public health protocols to maintain these positive…
Join Us For Our Annual General Meeting
You’re Invited! Join us for our virtual AGM and the presentation of this year’s ISANS Award, Wednesday, June 23 at 3:00 pm on Zoom. If there’s one thing we have…
Bridging the Gap for Internationally Educated Early Childhood Educators (IE ECEs)
There is a strong labour market demand for early childhood educators (ECEs) in Nova Scotia. Yet, immigrant job seekers – despite their desire and ability to contribute to this sector…
Statement on the Deadly Attack in London, ON
The ISANS community is heartbroken by the hate-fueled attack against a Muslim family in London, Ontario that has shaken the Muslim community across the country to its core. We extend…