
ISANS offers one-on-one instruction for newcomers who cannot attend regular language training classes.

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Seniors Language Class

ISANS’ Senior Language Class is for seniors who want to increase their language and literacy skills for the community.

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Language for Young Adults

Language for Young Adults is for newcomers aged 16-30 who want to increase their language skills for educational or employment purposes.

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EAL Literacy

ISANS’ EAL (English as an Addtional Language) Literacy classes help newcomers with little or no formal education.

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Welcoming Communities

ISANS’ Welcoming Communities program aims to build welcoming communities by increasing community and individual awareness about immigration and immigrant experiences.

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Welcome Ambassador Program

Whether you currently work with newcomers or want to become more involved in supporting refugee rights, this training will help you build cultural competency skills and put them into practice.

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Our service interpreters help clients and staff communicate with each other while delivering and receiving ISANS settlement services.

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