Commemorating Orange Shirt Day and National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

We are all treaty people
We are All Treaty People- acrylics on canvas by Chelsea Brooks

Each year, September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to honour the children who never returned home from residential schools, the Survivors of those schools, as well as their families and communities.

This day coincides with Orange Shirt Day, which is an Indigenous-led, grassroots, commemorative day that also raises awareness about Canada’s residential school system. It was inspired by the heart-wrenching story of Phyllis Webstad, which explains the symbolic meaning of the orange shirt.

In each case, September 30 is recognized nation-wide as a day to acknowledge the intergenerational trauma caused by residential schools, raise awareness and support for Survivors, and to honour the thousands of Indigenous children who never made it home.

While distinct from Mi’kmaq History Month, which we celebrate in October, September 30 is an important day to observe just before Mi’kmaq History Month officially begins. It acknowledges the very real damage colonialism and colonial practices have had on Indigenous peoples, including the Mi’kmaq. At the same time, it provides context on the importance of maintaining, uplifting, and celebrating Indigenous heritage and culture.

Observing this day will help as all reconcile the past as we move forward throughout October in a spirit of celebration and appreciation of the rich culture of the Mi’kmaq.

If you’d like to know more about Orange Shirt Day, we highly recommend that you watch some of the National Film Board of Canada’s collection of films, all available to view for free online.

Here are a few other things you can do to observe this important day:


  1. […] 尽管奥兰治人节是一个庆祝胜利的节日,但它也引发了不少文化冲突。由于节日的历史背景涉及宗教和政治,许多天主教徒和其他少数族裔对这一节日持批评态度。他们认为,奥兰治人节的庆祝活动可能会加剧社区间的紧张关系,甚至引发冲突2。 […]

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