Bridge to Work Language Classes
In our Bridge to Work Language Classes, you will improve your workplace communications skills and increase your knowledge of workplace culture.
Read MoreLanguage Learning Centre
Our Language Learning Centre offers one-on-one instruction for newcomers who cannot attend regular language training classes because of shift work, frequent but irregular medical appointments, exceptional family responsibilities, etc.
Read MoreAccessibility Support Program
ISANS’ Accessibility Support Program accommodates newcomers who are alternately-abled.
Read MoreLanguage Acquisition for Deaf Students (LADS)
Language Acquisition for Deaf Students (LADS) is a language and American Sign Language (ASL) class for newcomers who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Read MoreMom & Baby Class
ISANS’ Mom & Baby Class is a language class for mothers with their babies.
Read MoreOutreach
ISANS offers one-on-one instruction for newcomers who cannot attend regular language training classes.
Read MoreSeniors Language Class
ISANS’ Senior Language Class is for seniors who want to increase their language and literacy skills for the community.
Read MoreEAL Literacy
ISANS’ EAL (English as an Addtional Language) Literacy classes help newcomers with little or no formal education.
Read MoreYukang (Patrick) Peng
Thank you for teaching us Chinese. You are a great professor and we had great fun learning!” That’s one of several compliments that Yukang (Patrick) Peng received on a thank-you…
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