Celebrating our graduates: HIPPY program’s first year a success!
146 people were on hand to celebrate the Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) graduation on Friday, May 11, 2018, where 38 families and 42 children from nine different countries graduated.
The HIPPY Program works with families in the home to support parents, primarily mothers in their critical role as their child’s first and most important teacher. It strengthens families and communities by empowering mothers to actively prepare their children for success in school. The program provides parents of children age 3-5, with structured lessons and practical information that will enable them to gain confidence in their own capacity to help prepare their children for entering school with the skills required for success. In the same line, the program also provides newcomer parents with information that helps reduce cultural barriers, informs participants of other services in the community, raises awareness of “how things work” in Canada (with a particular emphasis on school), settlement stress, parenting in Canada, and encourages newcomer parents to participate actively in their community and school.
Congratulations to all graduates!