Another successful SupperNOVA
The SupperNOVA potluck on March 10 was another great success. Approximately 360 people attended this year, including Immigration Minister Lena Diab, Mayor Mike Savage, and MLA Rafah Di Costanzo who all gave welcoming remarks.
Community members brought dishes of food to share with everyone, and the children’s activity room was very busy throughout the evening.
The event also featured multicultural performances by Vibeat Dance Group and the Arada Homs Aladeyeh Dabke group from Syria. Attendees joined in dancing and celebrating our multicultural community.
The amazing SupperNOVA volunteers once again made the event run smoothly from setup to cleanup.
This event was made possible by the generosity of Scotiabank. It was held at the Bella Rose Arts Centre (Halifax West High School) for the first time. We thank all the organizers, volunteers and guests who made this SupperNOVA a success.
Photos by Dan Khan. See more SupperNOVA photos on Facebook.
- The Arada Homs Aladeyeh Dabke entertained the crowd.
- Vibeat Dance Studio performed.
- Guests were invited to bring a food dish to share.
- The performances had the crowd on its feet.
- Mayor Savage, Rafah Di Constanzo and Lena Diab spoke during the event.