Video: I Am Today

 Marwa Harb’s face lights up when she talks about the people she has met since arriving in Canada as a refugee from Syria. Topping her list – Prime Minister…

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Halifax rally celebrates and supports refugees

By Taryn Grant, For StarMetro Halifax. Sat., June 16, 2018 HALIFAX—In a show of solidarity, about 500 people marched along busy Halifax streets Saturday afternoon, chanting “Say it loud, say it clear, refugees…

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Syrian refugee family reflects on first two years in Halifax

In many ways, the Al Saieds fit the mould of an average Halifax family. They drive a Toyota. The father, Mohamad, works in construction. His wife, Rouida, works as a cleaner for their condo complex. The kids are in school, with big dreams: 16-year-old Hana wants to be a police officer, journalist and a nurse. To this idea, her older brother Khaled, 20, smiles lovingly. He’s hoping to attend school to become a pilot in the fall.

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Four myths about Canada’s border crossings

From the Ottawa Citizen, May 14, 2018 Michelle Rempel, Conservative immigration critic, tweeted recently that the media was finally writing about “illegal border crossings” after she had been raising it…

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