Fostering Immigrant Women-Owned Businesses

Did you know that ISANS has a free 10-week program to help immigrant women entrepreneurs learn more about business development? Our next Immigrant Women Entrepreneurship Program (IWEP) sessions start on…

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Become A Welcome Ambassador!

On World Kindness Day last month, we shared ideas on how to create welcoming communities, including 10 tips for how you can help make newcomers feel at home. But did…

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Message from Jennifer Watts, CEO of ISANS

Earlier this year, as we began the celebrations of our 40th anniversary with the theme “Pathways to Resilience,” little did we know how much our resilience as an organization and…

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Working Toward a More Tolerant World

The International Day for Tolerance has been observed on November 16 since it was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1996. It is an annual reminder for us…

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Appreciating Freedom

November 9 is World Freedom Day – an observance created in commemoration of the fall of the Berlin Wall on this day in 1989. “If you don’t know what it…

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Communication Strategies for OSCEs

Are you a doctor or a pharmacist looking to improve your chances of passing the Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs)? This 8-week, online course will help you improve your communication…

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