ISANS 2023-24 Annual Report

When we’re empowered, we feel confident, and we take control of the course of our lives, even when circumstances around us are challenging and ever-changing. In place of barriers, we…

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ISANS 2022-2023 Annual Report

At ISANS, when we think of the future, we think of community, and the important part immigrants play in shaping it. Our vision of a community where all can belong…

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ISANS 2021-2022 Annual Report

The human experience is defined by connection. To be connected is to have bonds, links, and relationships with the people, environments, and many things that bring meaning to our lives.…

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ISANS 2015-2016 Annual Report

2016 annual report cover, images of ISANS refugee clients and volunteers

This was a year like no other. From those first few dark days in September when those terrible pictures of little Aylan Kurdi circled the globe and we all woke…

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ISANS 2016-2017 Annual Report

Images of ISANS clients

This year was the year of change, of innovation, of flexibility and of enormous effort by ISANS as we responded to the different contexts and needs of the immigrants who…

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ISANS 2017-2018 Annual Report

Images of ISANS volunteers

We will remember 2017-18 as the year of unprecedented growth, when an announcement of increased federal immigration levels was realized within ISANS by both increased opportunities and increased expectations.  Read…

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ISANS 2018-2019 Annual Report

2019 annual report cover

2018 was a year of possibility at ISANS.  From a slate of new programs and services, ISANS continued to grow with its staff, clients, partners, and funders to help immigrants…

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ISANS 2019-2020 Annual Report

This year marks an incredible achievement as ISANS enters its 40th year of providing immigrant settlement excellence in Nova Scotia. Throughout our history, we have undergone numerous changes, celebrated exceptional…

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ISANS 2020-2021 Annual Report

If there’s one thing we have learned this past year – a year of overwhelming challenge, social upheaval, and collective uncertainty – it’s that living our values of diversity, inclusion,…

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