New Mural – Mi’kmaki, by Lorne Julien – Adorns the Walls of ISANS’ Office
Artist Lorne Julien in front of his mural at ISANS For Mi’kmaq History Month 2022, ISANS commissioned Mi’kmaw artist Lorne Alexander Julien to create murals for our Mumford office with…
Celebrating Mi’kmaq History Month
Mi’kmaq History Month art, “We are all Treaty People,” by Mi’kmaw artist Chelsea Brooks No matter where you live, the land you call home has its roots in Indigenous history.…
Commemorating Orange Shirt Day and National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
We are All Treaty People- acrylics on canvas by Chelsea Brooks Each year, September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to honour the children who never returned home…
Update: ISANS will be open on Tuesday, September 27th
ISANS offices will be open at September 27th. Programs and services will be offered as usual unless you receive a different message from your ISANS’ staff person.
ISANS Offices Closed Monday, September 19
ISANS offices will be closed and all classes, meetings and events are cancelled on Monday, September 19th in respect of the National Day of Mourning for Queen Elizabeth II.
July 2022 Podcast from our Employer Engagement Speaker Series
isans · BWI JULY 2022 Podcast – Employer Engagement Speaker Series In this series hosted by our Business, Workforce, and Integration (BWI) team, our focus is to bring employer-related issues…
Wanderers New Canadians Night
Halifax’s professional soccer team, the HFX Wanderers, held its first annual New Canadians Night on June 30, 2022. It was a warm and sunny evening, and hundreds of newcomers and…
Request for Proposals: Research and Evaluation for ISANS’ Internationally Educated Nursing (IEN) Orientation Program
ISANS is looking for a consultant to conduct research about the needs of internationally educated nurses (IENs) who would like to obtain licensure in Nova Scotia. As part of this…